Saturday, March 20, 2021

2021 Survivor Pool Day 2 Recap

Get excited, Day 2 is over, and the Day 2 Survivor Pool recap can now begin! First, links for the lazy:

The second day of first round match-ups led to a pretty wide spread on selections. In all 21 of the 30 teams that played had at least someone picking them. 

Least Deserving Winners of the Day: Creighton was one of the most popular picks of the day garnering 23 picks despite having lost their last game by 25 and having their coach basically piss off their entire team. Down 1 late, Creighton got fouled, had a 50% FT shooter knock down 2 FTs, and then had UCSB miss a layup that would've won the game. To the 9 losers that picked UCSB, you made a great pick, that and a quarter will get you a cup of coffee, well, it won't. Coffee is like $12 now.

Most Loveable Losers: Kansas was a popular pick and their win moved on 30 contestants. But, the real story was that Kansas almost lost to the Groves Brothers of Easter Washington. If they had pulled this off we could've all enjoyed the movie about them starring Seth Rogen and the guy from Napolean Dynamite.

Chalkiest Pick of the Day: There were 3 people that picked Alabama and Nate Oates to knock off Rick Pitino and Iona. This was a pretty safe pick considering any Iona win will likely be vacated at a later date, but that would not have mattered for the Survivor Pool you all. Also, I find this amazing, in 2013 Rick Pitino was winning a National Championship at Louisville and Nate Oats was in his TWELFTH season as a head coach at Romulus High School, that season he was his first, and only, state championship as a High School coach. Now, Oats is coaching a 2 seed and Pitino is coaching a 15. that's a pretty incredible damn story.

Biggest Sucker Picks: UConn (22), BYU (20), Virginia (17), and Texas (29) took out most of today's losers. UConn I don't have a witty joke for. At Virginia, Tony Bennett is really committed to having the most bizarre NCAA Tournament record imaginable, losing a 1v16 match-up, winning a title, and then losing a 4v13 over the last 3 Tourneys, well played Tony. Not to be outdone, Shaka Smart is doing his best to make everyone forget about that Final 4 at VCU in 2011, since then Shaka's longest Tournament stays have been two 2nd round losses in 2012 and 2013....yikes. Meanwhile, BYU and their team full of 28 year old Mormons just seemed like they didn't want to deal with quarantining in Indiana and preferred to be back in Utah with their kids and wife(s)...this is a polygamy joke, but since players was pluralized, wives would have naturally been pluralized as well, so I used wife(s) to joke that individual players could have multiple wives. Look, it's funny, don't overthink it.

Most Popular Winners: It was pretty chalky for the most popular picks today, I mean, other than people that trusted Shaka Smart. USC (40), FSU (32), and Kansas (30) were the most popular picks on the day, and all three moved on to Monday.

All in all, we started the day with 352 combatants re-entering the arena, as the final game ended we have 227 combatants moving on to Sunday and Round 2. That means we thinned out another 35% of the remaining players on Saturday. Best of luck to everyone still alive!

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