Monday, January 18, 2021

2021 NFL Playoff Survivor Pool - Championship Sunday

 A fairly formful weekend leaves us with 16 players remaining as we head into Championship Sunday! Odds are, the Super Bowl will be worth something in the end. So, with that, a quick scenario breakdown...

Locked In

  • Kansas City - 6
  • Green Bay - 4
  • Tampa Bay - 1
  • Buffalo - 0
Players with Options
  • D$ Stay Turnt4 - Buffalo/Green Bay - Only one with Buffalo alive and can play to a Super Bowl winner
  • Jmiah19772 - Green Bay/Tampa Bay - Gets to try to pick a winner but will not have a Super Bowl pick regardless
  • S Pizzle Fa Rizzle3 & Sman1 - Kansas City/Green Bay - Both have the top seeds alive, but we'll have to see if they go different directions to determine if we'll have a winner take all in that case.
  • The Queen2 - Kansas City/Tampa Bay - Only one with any potential Tampa Bay Super Bowl win
So, we more than likely will have someone alive heading into the Super Bowl for possibly taking the whole pot down! Who needs Uncle Sam for stimulus payments when you got these kinda stakes?!

As a reminder, one of our most frequently asked questions is whether or not it matters if you have a pick for a game. It does not - a missed pick is worth as much as being unable to pick; only WINS bump your score up. So, not all hope is lost for those who are out of picks after Sunday!

Pick form is below - good luck!

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

2021 NFL Playoff Survivor Pool - Divisional Round

 With a whopping 91 entries out there, we got a pretty impressive pool of $1820 up for grabs! Entries this week will be due by kick off of the FIRST GAME which is Saturday at 4:30 ET! Please don't make me have to chase you down. Once again, you'll just be picking any two winners for the weekend, and given 30 entries are left, I'd plan accordingly to make sure you have some kind of path to at least Super Bowl Sunday. Good luck all!

Saturday, January 9, 2021

2021 NFL Playoff Survivor Pool Leaderboard!

 Good luck everyone! And don't forget if you lose before the 4:00 Sunday game, you can enter again!


Monday, January 4, 2021

2021 NFL Playoff Survivor Pool

Was 2020 the worst year ever? I mean, probably not. Ever is a long time. There's that year where a meteor hit and killed all the dinosaurs, so that was probably worse. But, in our lifetimes, I'd say we're hard-pressed to find a worse year than 2020. The start to 2021 isn't going to be much better either. It's still cold and there's still a pandemic out there that no doubt ruined all your holiday plans. But you know what it won't ruin?! RECKLESS GAMBLING! NOT AGAIN DAMMIT! Fortunately, we have the NFL, who seems to barrel forward in the face of unprecedented days, whether you have a healthy QB on your team or not (sorry, Broncos fans). And with that, I feel confident enough that we'll get the playoffs in, and we can bring this pool back for the new year!

Hey man!  I did this last year.  Just tell me what changed so I can get on with my day.

I sorta/kinda changed the number of entries you can buy, so check that out in the Entry section. It'll have no effect on people good at picking football games.

Ok, on to the rules proper....

The Basics

- Each weekend, you pick 1-2 teams depending on how many days there are games that weekend.  If you're team(s) wins, congrats!  You live to fight another day.  If not, it's GAME OVER MAN!
- As with any survivor pool, you cannot pick the same team twice.  If you do pick the same team twice and don't catch it yourself, you're out.  If you do catch it in time, just resubmit.
- Picks must be submitted via Google Forms that I will both post here and send to participants once available.
- Due to how few possible combinations of selections there are, there is no tiebreaker in this game.
- The pool will be "winner take all," but I'm figuring there will be a few people there at the end, so everyone who makes it to the last day and picks the winner (whatever that is) will split the pot.
- Just in case anyone is unaware, there are a possible total of SIX games to be picked - wild card weekend (2 games), divisional playoff weekend (2 games) championship Sunday, and finally super bowl Sunday.  Plan accordingly!


- Cost will be $20
- You may buy only a maximum of THREE entries - HOWEVER, if you lose an entry prior to the final deadline on Wild Card weekend (which is the 4:30 PM ET Sunday game), I'll allow you to continue purchasing entries, throwing good money at bad, to your heart's content, so long as you have no more than THREE active entries at any given time. (So yes, before you can even submit entry #4, you'll have to have lost #1, #2, or #3. An entry is "lost" once a single game is lost on an entry.)
- Easiest way to pay is, as usual, via PayPal or Venmo.  
  • Venmo: @Philip-Crone
  • Zelle:
  • Cash/Checks: Get it in my hands or mail it to Oeffinger-Crone, 1601 Beechwood Ave, New Albany, IN 47150
- For those of you who still live in 1997 and are scared of computers and think everything that happened in that Sandra Bullock movie The Net is real, I guess you can find me and hand the money over.  If you choose this route, you need to do so before the kickoff of the first game, which is SATURDAY, JANUARY 9th, 2021. 

That's it.  As usual, feel free to forward this along to friends who may want to play.  If you have any questions, just let me know.  I'll use the same website ( for all updates.  Good luck all!

Pick Forms Below!