Monday, January 18, 2021

2021 NFL Playoff Survivor Pool - Championship Sunday

 A fairly formful weekend leaves us with 16 players remaining as we head into Championship Sunday! Odds are, the Super Bowl will be worth something in the end. So, with that, a quick scenario breakdown...

Locked In

  • Kansas City - 6
  • Green Bay - 4
  • Tampa Bay - 1
  • Buffalo - 0
Players with Options
  • D$ Stay Turnt4 - Buffalo/Green Bay - Only one with Buffalo alive and can play to a Super Bowl winner
  • Jmiah19772 - Green Bay/Tampa Bay - Gets to try to pick a winner but will not have a Super Bowl pick regardless
  • S Pizzle Fa Rizzle3 & Sman1 - Kansas City/Green Bay - Both have the top seeds alive, but we'll have to see if they go different directions to determine if we'll have a winner take all in that case.
  • The Queen2 - Kansas City/Tampa Bay - Only one with any potential Tampa Bay Super Bowl win
So, we more than likely will have someone alive heading into the Super Bowl for possibly taking the whole pot down! Who needs Uncle Sam for stimulus payments when you got these kinda stakes?!

As a reminder, one of our most frequently asked questions is whether or not it matters if you have a pick for a game. It does not - a missed pick is worth as much as being unable to pick; only WINS bump your score up. So, not all hope is lost for those who are out of picks after Sunday!

Pick form is below - good luck!

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