Tuesday, January 5, 2016

2016 NFL Playoff Suicide Pool

Guess who's back?  Back again?  Suicide Pool.... Tell a friend for no more bonus b/c that became a pain in the ass to track!  Hmmm, Eminem's version is more catchy.  Anyway, time to ring in the new year with the annual NFL Playoff Suicide Pool!

Hey man!  I did this last year.  Just tell me what changed so I can get on with my day.
Only change is we nixed the referral pool.  I didn't see it picking up new people anymore, as the pool size has been enough to attract fresh meat.  
As usual, we'll be using google forms to collect picks.  As each form is created, I'll post it at tourneypools.blogspot.com and email all participants just for good measure (so supply an email address you actually check!).  For now, here are the forms for this weekend...

Ok, on to the rules proper....

The Basics

- Each day, you pick one team.  If you're team wins, congrats!  You live to fight another day.  If not, it's GAME OVER MAN!
- As with any suicide pool, you cannot pick the same team twice.
- Picks must be submitted via Google Forms that I will both post here and send to participants once available.
- Due to how few possible combinations of selections there are, there is no tiebreaker in this game.
- The pool will be "winner take all," but I'm figuring there will be a few people there at the end, so everyone who makes it to the last day and picks the winner (whatever that is) will split the pot.
- Just in case anyone is unaware, there are a possible total of SIX games to be picked - wild card Saturday, wild card Sunday, divisional playoff Saturday, divisional playoff Sunday, championship Sunday, and finally super bowl Sunday.  Plan accordingly!


- Cost will be $20
- You may buy only a maximum of THREE entries
- easiest way to pay is, as usual, via PayPal or Venmo.  Regardless of which you choose, my ID is tourneypools@gmail.com.  As usual, when paying, choose that you are just "sending money to someone you know" in order to avoid PayPal funds.  I will not chip in additional money b/c you decided to send 8% to PayPal.
- For those of you who still live in 1997 and are scared of computers and think everything that happened in that Sandra Bullock movie The Net is real, I guess you can find me and hand the money over.  If you choose this route, you need to do so before the kickoff of the first game, which is SATURDAY, JANUARY 9th, 2016.

That's it.  As usual, feel free to forward this along to friends who may want to play.  If you have any questions, just let me know.  I'll use the same website (tourneypools.blogspot.com) for all updates.  Good luck all!

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