Friday, January 3, 2014

NFL Playoff Suicide Pool Rules

- Each day, you pick one team.  If you're team wins, congrats!  You live to fight another day.  If not, it's GAME OVER MAN!
- As with any suicide pool, you cannot pick the same team twice.
- Due to how few possible combinations of selections there are, there is no tiebreaker in this game.
- The pool will be "winner take all," but I'm figuring there will be a few people there at the end, so everyone who makes it to the last day (whatever that is) will split the pot.
- Just in case anyone is unaware, there are a possible total of SIX games to be picked - wild card saturday, wild card sunday, divisional playoff saturday, divisional playoff sunday, championship sunday, and finally super bowl sunday.  Plan accordingly!

Entry basics

- Cost will be $15
- You may buy only a maximum of TWO entries (sorry, too few unique combos to allow seven entries Ryan Patterson)
- easiest way to pay is, as usual, via PayPal.  Please note the PayPal address has changed!  It is now story... not really, my old UE email got hacked so I changed my PayPal address.)  As usual, when paying, choose that you are just "sending money to someone you know" in order to avoid PayPal funds.  I will not chip in additional money b/c you decided to send 8% to PayPal.
- For those of you who still live in 1997 and are scared of computers and think everything that happened in that Sandra Bullock movie The Net is real, I guess you can find me and hand the money over.  If you choose this route, you need to do so before the kickoff of the first game, which is SATURDAY, JANUARY 4TH, 2014.  I'm busy chasing down 2/3rd's of my fantasy football league for the money they owe me after my glorious victory... I don't need to add more people to the collection list.

Referral Pool

- Once again, if you refer a friend, your entry gets added to a referral bonus pool.  The total referral pool will be 20% of all "referred" entries.
- If you buy a second entry, you have then technically "referred yourself."  In this case, designate which entry is your bonus-eligible entry when sending picks.  If you do not designate, I'm going to assume it's the first team in your email/text/smoke signal.
- And why not, if you refer five people (yourself included), your entry is free.  It's only fair, right?
- The winner of the referral pool will be determined the exact same way as the winner of the main pool.

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