Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sunday Update

Well it looks like everything was ALMOST decided last night.  Heather Knauf continues her unprecedented march to taking down the entire pool, and she's already captured a nice little portion of it by locking up the referral pool with 29 points.  Congrats!

However, the big pool is still up in the air.  Mathematical super hero Bryan Hart-Man is the only one with a mathematical shot at getting to 31 points, and wins by Florida & Ohio St. (who are both probably favored btw) will get him there.  An Ohio St. & Ole Miss victory would certainly help tournament co-moderator David Crone, who would not only get a piece of second place, he'd actually look pretty smart on his website,, where he called Ole Miss a good value bet.  If Wisconsin wins today, two things happen: 1) Heather takes down the whole friggin pool, and 2) I feel like a dumbass for not switching my entry up, costing me co-runner up.  C'est la vie.

The A-10 & ACC tourney championships are also today, but they will have no bearing on the contest results.

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