Monday, March 12, 2012

Referral Bonus!

So we've decided to sweeten the pot just a lil extra.  We are now introducing the referral bonus!  This one is very simple - get three or more friends/enemies/suckers/fake-people-you-made-up-to-get-multiple-entries* into the pool, and you'll be eligible for a side pot that is winner take all.  The side pot will be 10% of the total pool (rebuys and all).  Yeah, Ten friggin percent.  That means if the pool gets to $1500, and you're the only one who refers 3+ people, you just get $150 as our way of saying thanks, or something like that.  This seems like an awful idea, but I blame David.

This applies to both games, so get out there and do some evangelizing! 

*Please don't make up fake people; I think I'm smart enough to maybe figure it out, but maybe not...

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