Thursday, March 22, 2012

Day 5 Results - What'd I say?!

I mean, I tried to warn.... I tried to warn you all that Marquette would break your heart, and you didn't listen.  Marquette drags three players out the door and takes another three to the rebuy line, including my own mother.  Way to go mom.  27 now remain in the suicide pool, with the possibility of as many as 32 if everyone eligible can rebuy.

As for the Super 7, Michigan St losing to YOUR.... LOUISVILLLLLLLLLEEEEE..... CAH-RRRRRDDDD-INALS!!!!!!!!! really screwed some people up.  Jared Black & Robby Boswell are sitting pretty, with the Louisville/Florida game essentially being an elimination game between the two.  But don't count out the Crone boys (well, except me... You can safely count me out), who are lurking w/ UNC, & several UNC/Baylor combos could jump up tomorrow.  Until then...

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