Saturday, March 19, 2016

Day 3 Recap - Down Goes Wichita!

OK Guys, here's your Day 4 Pick Form!

We started Day 3 with a bang as there was FINALLY a HUGE upset in the NCAA Tournament. I think we can all agree the first two days of basketball were extremely boring. Michigan State loss? Who cares only took out one guy. Hawaii knocking off Cal...uh, yeah, we expected that.

But, after two days of results that were completely mundane and contained almost no surprises, we finally get a SHOCKER! (Get it you guys, that's the Wichita mascot!) That's right, the heavily favored, and heavily selected, Wichita State Shockers went down! And they took the hopes and dreams of 31 Survivor Pool entrants with them!

I don't want to be overly dramatic, or fall victim to recency bias, but I think it's safe to say this was one of the greatest upsets in NCAA Tournament history. Sure, not many people would have ever expected a 3 seed like Miami to knock off a powerhouse 11 seed like Wichita State, but it happened!! Everyone was overlooking these guys after a ho hum season. But, they came through when it mattered!

Just how unbelievable was the Wichita loss? So unbelievable that our smartest two survivors heading into today BOTH saw their dreams, and gigantic tie-breaker scores, shatter into little pieces. Larry Gillespie and Tim Couch Fanclub, famous for their Yale - Hawaii combos, both went out trying to pick their third double digit seed. Like Icarus before them, they flew too close to the sun, and their wings melted away.

With game one in the books it looked like we might be looking at the day that would separate the wheat from the chaff. The day that would allow the cream to rise to the top (it turns out it was a day where the CREAN rised to the top....but I'll get there in a minute). Instead, Duke had to go and screw everything up by not screwing everything up. After jumping out to a quick 89 point lead, they then proceeded to play like a third grade girls team for most of the second half. It looked like something good may finally happen to Yale, but, Duke is Duke. And, when push comes to shove, Duke usually doesn't get called for the foul (burn). Duke was the second most popular pick of the day, and their win moved 48 people on to Sunday. It also sent Ryan S and Photobombed by Bilas packing. Yes, they picked Yale.

As I mentioned, Duke was the second most popular pick. Some of you were probably thinking, well who was the MOST popular? It was probably that bitch Jennifer, but it's only because she'll literally make out with anyone...whoa, sorry, I was thinking of something else. The most popular Survivor Pool play of the day was Iowa State. And, depending on if you picked them, they either did, or did not, disappoint when they won fairly easily. With their win, 58 of our combatants moved on, and ZERO lost their Survivor Pool souls. Apparently no one trusted Little Rock. Yes, today Iowa State truly was paper and not scissors.

Indiana v Kentucky was an awesome game if you're an Indiana fan, or, even better, if you're just a bitter dude in his basement cheering against UK because the team you love is sitting at home due to a stupid post-season ban brought about by a crazy hooker everyone is willing to listen to...sorry. One person, pool runner The Phillionire's Club, had the balls and brains to pick Indiana. While three people were pulling for Kentucky and ended up sad. Meanwhile, IU fans get a few more years of TOM CREAN!!!! Honestly, I expected a few more UK picks here as I thought they were pretty much universally expected to win, and people wouldn't want to save them.

The Virginia v Butler game actually got pretty close. But, the seven chalk eating weasels that picked the Hoos move on to Sunday. The Hoos, that's a dumb things for the Virginia Cavaliers to be nicknamed. No one wasted a pick on Butler. But, Bazinga! did waste a pick on Providence as they lost to UNC, who an additional eight chalk eating weasels backed.

Gonzaga v Utah was the game that attracted the most controversy...I guess. I mean there were 15 picks on Gonzaga and six on Utah. That's actually fairly controversial for us thus far the tournament as basically every game has been pretty one sided on how the picks have gone. Unsurprisingly, the 15 contestants that took the 11 seed turned out to be right. This game was never even close. It was a stunning loss for Utah who hadn't lost this badly in an entire week!! My God, the NCAA Selection Committee was just horrendous this year. It'slike they're trying to manufacture double digit seeds making Sweet 16 runs. Seriously, I would actually think they were trying to do this if I didn't truly believe they're just completely incompetent. This game also featured the color commentary stylings of Steve Lappas. He is an amazing color commentator if you enjoy the feeling of your ears being put into a cheese grater.

We started the day with 186 beautiful warriors for peace, we end the night with 144, the 12th Fibonacci Number and the number that represents one gross (a dozen dozens). It seems fitting....I guess....

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