Monday, March 22, 2021

2021 Survivor Pool Day 3 Recap

Historians will tell you that when Bobo wrote "Sunday, Bloody Sunday" he was talking about a day of violence in Northern Ireland. In reality, Bobo was talking about Sunday in the 2021 Survivor Pool...

We should have known we were in for a crazy day when Farva from Super Troopers turned into Michael Jordan and knocked off Illinois almost single-handedly. While this was a crazy upset it only knocked out one entrant, prodski6. Initially, these seemed kind of funny. Then everyone else got knocked out (almost).

Seriously, this was one of the craziest Survivor Pool days since we started running it. We entered the day with 224 Entries still alive, which was already low considering where we started, but we exit Day 3 with just 74 entries moving on to Day 4. Compare this to 2019....that year we had 251 live entries heading into Day 3 and only lost 42 of them. FORTY TWO. This year we lost 150 on Day 3.

This year on Day 3 there were 3 teams that attracted 70% of the picks:

Florida - 80 picks

Oklahoma State - 40 picks

Villanova - 38 picks

Of the 3 popular picks, only Jay Wright, the best coach in college basketball, got the job done. Florida blew lead after lead to be sent home, and Oklahoma State just never had a shot against the unstoppable Pac 12.

Without Rutgers complete collapse we would have even fewer entries still alive as 21 combatants advanced picking Houston yesterday. There wasn't a single pick on Rutgers. To the 5 people that picked Oral Roberts, congrats you beautiful psychos, that's the type of pick that wins this thing!

With Day 4 upon us, we are almost down to the final 10% of contestants. If you're still alive, good luck, it seems like you'll need it!

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