Sunday, March 25, 2012

Suicide Pool Leaderboard Correction

A player pointed out an issue w/ the suicide pool leaderboard that really didn't come into play until this year.  The "games correct" column is not really a great indicator of how everyone is doing, as it artificially deflates the ranking of those that rebought.  (Think what you want about rebuys and the difficulty of lasting this long w/o rebuying, but we've consciously never put in a rule where rebuy entrys lose out to those who did not need a rebuy.  We do not want to discourage rebuys.  We encourage rebuys b/c a bigger pool w/ more people is always more fun.)  Therefore, we put in a new "Games Picked" column to correct for it.  The leaderboard will now be sorted on Games Picked, then Tiebreaker Score.  We actually had to review the rules we typed & posted to make sure this change was correct.  Since the rules clearly state the "last person alive" wins, and not the "person who picked the most games," this was actually a change that should have occurred years ago.  Either way, we got it sorted out now, so no harm no foul.  Let me know if this just angers you to no end and we'll consider what to do for the game next year.

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