Sunday, March 20, 2011

What a day!

Once again, rebuy line starts to the left.  I have already bought mine!

In an unheard of turn of events, if Notre Dame wins tonight, Sean Kellihan will be the only one to have actually gone 4-for-4.  There is no prize for this specifically, but I just want to give the other 30 competitors a nice golf clap for being absolutely awful this year.  Are we all just outthinking ourselves?  Maybe.  Jeez, Dave took Gonzaga yesterday!  GONZAGA!  They're an 11 seed!  11's never make the Sweet 16!.... Wait, Gonzaga is like the only 11 who didn't make the Sweet 16.  Been that kind of tourney I guess.

In Super 7 news, big bad Tom Crone in his white ripped up tee, gray shorts, and old man reading glasses has surged to the lead w/ 10 pts.  Even better for him, he's got his 1, 2, and 3-4 seeds alive still.  Who cares about winners though, as there are some particularly atrocious teams.  Jeremy Neuner has been mathematically eliminated as his all Big East strategy has blown up in his face - I may be wrong, but I believe he is the only person whose entire seven team group is out of the tournament - That's right, he's got 5 points, and that's where he's staying.  So if you're above 5, congrats, you aren't finishing last. (Editor's Note: He's got Marquette actually.  Se he could get a few more points.  Not likely, but he could.)  I also loved Chris Watkins strategy of taking Louisville and Vandy to lock up the second point for making the Sweet 16... only to see both get bounced in the first round.  And of course, Dave is floundering, having only Ohio St left.  Did he watch any college basketball this year?


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