Sunday, January 19, 2014

Championship Sunday Selections

Pretty good chance it all ends here today, with Michael Crone being the only remaining participant who even has a Super Bowl pick possible.  Picks are...

Seahawks: 2
Patriots: 1

Good luck everyone!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Divisional Playoff Sunday

Everyone made it through yesterday.... On two faves.  Way to go...  Picks today:

Broncos: 2
Panthers: 1 (GO MOM!)
Niners: 1

Monday, January 6, 2014

Wild Card Weekend Correction - FOUR Are Still Alive and Referral Pool payouts

Hey everyone,

So I clearly cannot run a survivor pool and have a life at the same time.  One participant, Michael Riley, informed me that he changed his pick 15 minutes prior to kick-off from the Bengals to the 49ers.  Upon further review (ie. I checked my phone a little closer), he was correct.  So we actually have FOUR teams remaining.

Also, Heather Knauf, who many of you probably remember from running roughshod on all us and taking down both the conference tourney and NCAA suicide pools, told me she was actually one of the five eligible for the referral bonus win, which is correct.  I read the stupid sheet wrong and accidentally had Jon Ryan Neace in there.  Sorry for the mix-up.  The correct five people will get their $7.80 pending any further objections.  You all should have a group outing at Quizno's or something.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Wild Card Weekend Wrap Up

Yup.  This is about right...

Well anyway.

29 began, 3 remain.  One of which is my mother. 

A weekend which saw three road winners, three dogs win outright, and four instances where all you had to do was pick the better coach/QB combo, and you were golden.  90% of us are stupid.  Way to go team.  On to business...

There were 13 referral entries, resulting in a referral pool of $39.  And that sucker is getting chopped five ways.  Congrats to Bill Finley, Dave Johnson, Nick Kahl, Tom Crone, and Jon Ryan Neace!  Y'all got back a little over a quarter of what you put up.  Don't everyone run out to cash your $7.80 check immediately - don't know if the banking system will be able to handle it.

Now, as I said, three remain.  Julie Crone, my mama, was the only one crazy enough to take both six seeds and win and will probably get both of them bounced next week, putting her in the driver's seat.  On the flipside,  Abe Jaroszewski is now without, in my opinion, the two most dangerous teams from wild card weekend, and may be forced to make some tough picks.  And then there's my former favorite fantasy football villain Michael Crone still alive, and sure to annoy me on work IM endlessly about who he's planning on taking next weekend.

Good luck to everyone remaining!  And to those of us bounced.... uhhh... Maybe we should start a second pool....

Corrected Wild Card Sunday Picks

Hey everyone,

First off, I had this gym membership last year, so it's not totally a resolution.  Second, I sent him those pick numbers while waiting on two people, and I assumed they'd just pick the Bengals.  Third, BengaLOL's right now.  Anyway, here's the correction...

Bengals - 8
Chargers - 2
Packers - 2
Niners - 1

Sunday Selections

Hello friends and enemies....

This is David filling in for my brother who is apparently Resolutionizing and lifting metal plates in some gym like a metal idiot...


Niners - 1
Packers - 1
Chargers - 2
Bengals - The rest of you schmoes.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Wild Card Saturday

29 Total picks made as of 4:30.  I'll leave things open until the late game kicks off in case anyone wants to rebuy after they get knocked out and didn't buy two entries.

My picks (2 entries): Chiefs & Eagles

Total: 29 remaining

Colts: 10
Chiefs: 5
Eagles: 10
Saints: 4

Link to the leaderboard if anyone needs it:

Friday, January 3, 2014

NFL Playoff Suicide Pool Rules

- Each day, you pick one team.  If you're team wins, congrats!  You live to fight another day.  If not, it's GAME OVER MAN!
- As with any suicide pool, you cannot pick the same team twice.
- Due to how few possible combinations of selections there are, there is no tiebreaker in this game.
- The pool will be "winner take all," but I'm figuring there will be a few people there at the end, so everyone who makes it to the last day (whatever that is) will split the pot.
- Just in case anyone is unaware, there are a possible total of SIX games to be picked - wild card saturday, wild card sunday, divisional playoff saturday, divisional playoff sunday, championship sunday, and finally super bowl sunday.  Plan accordingly!

Entry basics

- Cost will be $15
- You may buy only a maximum of TWO entries (sorry, too few unique combos to allow seven entries Ryan Patterson)
- easiest way to pay is, as usual, via PayPal.  Please note the PayPal address has changed!  It is now story... not really, my old UE email got hacked so I changed my PayPal address.)  As usual, when paying, choose that you are just "sending money to someone you know" in order to avoid PayPal funds.  I will not chip in additional money b/c you decided to send 8% to PayPal.
- For those of you who still live in 1997 and are scared of computers and think everything that happened in that Sandra Bullock movie The Net is real, I guess you can find me and hand the money over.  If you choose this route, you need to do so before the kickoff of the first game, which is SATURDAY, JANUARY 4TH, 2014.  I'm busy chasing down 2/3rd's of my fantasy football league for the money they owe me after my glorious victory... I don't need to add more people to the collection list.

Referral Pool

- Once again, if you refer a friend, your entry gets added to a referral bonus pool.  The total referral pool will be 20% of all "referred" entries.
- If you buy a second entry, you have then technically "referred yourself."  In this case, designate which entry is your bonus-eligible entry when sending picks.  If you do not designate, I'm going to assume it's the first team in your email/text/smoke signal.
- And why not, if you refer five people (yourself included), your entry is free.  It's only fair, right?
- The winner of the referral pool will be determined the exact same way as the winner of the main pool.

NFL Playoff Suicide Pool

Here's a link to the leaderboard.  Everyone who has definitely entered and sent me cash/picks is listed, so you know the total number of entries so far.  current total prize pool stands at $195.