Saturday, March 30, 2013

Suicide Pool - We Have A Winner!!!

So I guess when Wichita St. beat La Salle, they inherited La Salle's uncanny ability to knock people out of this suicide pool.  With Marquette going down in the first game, the remaining six contestants needed an Ohio St. victory over the Shockers... But it was not meant to be, despite Wichita's best efforts to let them back in to the game.

And with that, we can declare Heather Knauf the winner of both the main prize as well as the referral pot!  Heather already took down the conference tourney pick'em this month, but that was merely icing on the big cake she can get with this victory.

Below is the top 4.  Prizes are being sent all of your way shortly.  Thanks to everyone for participating this year!  I'll be back between now and the Final Four with Super 7 scenarios!

1st - Heather Knauf
2nd - Nick Kahl
3rd - Jim Patterson
4th - Clay Risner

Saturday Picks Posted

6 Ohio St. picks & 2 Marquette picks (Jim Patterson and Patrick Cody)

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Thursday Picks Are Up

Sorry I'm a little late with this.  The leaderboard is updated with Thursday picks


EIGHT WICHITA STATE PICKS??!?!?!  Didn't I warn you all about La Salle?!  Whatever... Your funeral.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Suicide Pool Picks - Sweet 16 and On

Suicide Pool Participants -

Since we are down to so few members, I am going to implement a policy that has gone into effect each year when the pool has dwindled this low.  I am asking that everyone has their pick in by tip of the first game.  This way, no one can try to pick based on choosing a less popular pick & hoping for a fortunate knock out of everyone else.  If you do not see picks posted by 7:15 PM, that means someone is still sitting on their pick.  I will only post once I have received EVERY pick, and I'd like to get them in time for the first tip.

I know what you all are thinking... "Wait a second jerk, YOU'RE still in this thing!  What's to stop you from using this nefarious strategy yourself?!"

Fair point.  That's why I will announce my pick the day before, or before noon on the day of.  I will only change my pick if some news comes out during the day that compels me to change.  So I need to pick now.  Who to take... Who to take...  I will be going with...

The Miami Hurricanes

Yes, even without Reggie Johnson.  I ain't scurred.  Good luck everyone!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Day 4 Recap - La Salle, the Certified Suicide Pool Killas

When will people stop picking against La Salle?  On Friday, La Salle knocked out 16 people in defeating Kansas St.  On Sunday, they took down another 10 when "upsetting" Ole Miss.  Now they play again on Thursday against Wichita St.  In another game your moderator would deem as a "coin flip" game.  What I'm saying here is... would I be shocked if La Salle's body count climbs even more on Thursday night?  Not in the least.

We're now down to 11 in the suicide pool, with a number of savvy vets remaining.  Last year's "no rebuy" winner, Nick Kahl, is still hanging around.  So to is probably-gambling-professional Heather Knauf, who lost one entry in the La Salle rampage.  And oh yeah, your moderator is still sticking around, despite being one of three suckers to bite on that San Diego St. bait.  I'll be back later with a more robust week 2 Suicide Pool preview... maybe.

The Super 7, meanwhile, is starting to gain a little clarity, but not a lot.  A lot of people have kept their top 4 alive, but those will start falling by the wayside in earnest come Thursday & Friday.  Until then...

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Day 3 Recap - Congrats! You (probably) survived!

It was a pretty quiet day in the survivor pool, where only four people exited stage right.  That was mainly thanks to popular pick Arizona dispatching the "underdog" Harvard.  Poor Harvard... guess they'll have to go back to focusing on regattas and solving whatever the hell "sequestration" is.

Right now the tiebreaker has Derek Wild in a small lead over both Heather Knauf entries, which is getting really old.  Next year, I'm just going to tell you all to pay into Heather's PayPal account and save me the trouble of transferring it over there.  Derek is in an enviable position of sorts with that tiebreaker advantage, but I think at this stage of the game having multiple entries to play with may be more important.  Right now, the only two people with multiple entries are Heather and... your intrepid moderator.  Which is odd.  I'm normally quite bad at my own games.

Speaking of me, the Super 7 is starting to get a little more clear.  Scott Gurgol, The Godfather, and... oh me again... have taken a two point advantage into Sunday.  The Super 7 is really more about who you have alive still, and with so much 5-10 seed turmoil, the three people who have their 1-10 seeds alive - Scott, Sean Kellihan, and me - are in the driver seat going in to Sunday, although Tom is going to keep either his 11-12 or 13-16, as he has both Ole Miss and La Salle.

Payouts & Day 2 Recap - The Massacre in Kansas City... And Everywhere Else

To all the first-timers... Not so easy huh?!  65 to start the day, and only 28 remain going into round 2.  YIKES!  While Kansas St. was definitely the biggest blow to the suicide pool, plenty of other underachievers assisted in knocking the pool down to size, including NC St., Georgetown, and Notre Dame.  So, if you're left, CONGRATULATIONS!  Might wanna stop playing those crazy coin-flip games about now!  (Everyone who picked Georgetown wants to punch me after that comment.)

On the Super 7 front, Tom Crone managed to get all 7 of his teams to round 2, which I do not believe has ever happened.  Way to go Tommy Boy!

And now, the important stuff.... Payouts!

Suicide Pool

1st: $1000
2nd: $270
3rd: $80
4th: $55

Referral Pool: $195

Super 7

1st: $230
2nd: $90
3rd: $40
4th: $20

Referral Pool: $70

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Day One Recap - New Mexi-NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

Looks like you had to stay up past midnight on the east coast to see one of the biggest upsets of the tournament this year, as the men of Harvard knocked off RPI darling New Mexico in a day not lacking of seed upsets.  Let's take a look at the standings...

Suicide Pool

Knocked Out Today: 17
Remaining: 63

New Mexico and Pitt cleared out a few people, but we also had a few people really bolster their tiebreaker score.  Their names should look familiar if you've been in these contests in the past.  Derek Wild, who had 12th-seeded Oregon, pulled this move in 2011.  Heather Knauf, a first-time survivor pool participant who also had Oregon, is still counting her conference tournament winnings, after walking away with... well all of it basically.  And then there's Ryan Patterson, who I mocked for his risky strategy of choosing four teams over an 8 seed w/ his four entries, catches both Oregon & Cal, putting him squarely in the driver's seat... assuming he doesn't blow it tomorrow.

Super 7

The day started off entertaining when Bryan Hartman lost 3 teams before some of you had even eaten lunch probably.  The only people really hurt here are the 7 people who picked New Mexico.... and I'm sure the majority of you that picked Davidson are still a little miffed as well.

See you all tomorrow for Day 2!  Suicide pool participants, don't forget to submit Friday picks!  Also, I plan on posting payouts tomorrow, hopefully prior to the start of the games.

The 2013 Leaderboard is Live!!!

Below is the link to the leaderboard.  I'll be updating this regularly throughout the tournament, so bookmark it and enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do my damnedest to keep up with all the picks and everything else.  If I missed or misstated anything, PLEASE LET ME KNOW, otherwise my stupidity will go down as the final decision!  (Especially if you are eligible for the referral bonus - this one is especially tough to keep track of.)  Thanks everyone, and remember to have fun!

Monday, March 18, 2013

2013 Pools - Referral Pools & How to submit entries

I've already gotten many questions from "The Godfather" on a few things for the pool - he knows all these answers but he's looking out for you n00b's.  You should thank him by going to his house one day this summer and cutting his grass... He HATES cutting the grass.  Anyway...

  • Referral Pool - Both contests will have a referral pool, much like last year & the conference tourney pool this year.  If you refer anyone to the pool, 25% of their entry fee will go into a "referral" pool, which is a winner-take-all bonus pool that everyone who referred anyone to is eligible.  You also qualify if the only person you refer is yourself by buying multiple entries; just be sure to designate on entry as your entry that is eligible for both the main pool and the referral bonus pool.  Is this making any sense?  Look bottom line - Get friends in, possibly win more money.  Cool?  Cool.
  • Entry Submission - The only rule I really have for entry submission is that it has to be in text form and accessible from my cellphone (I don't trust my memory from a call/reminder).  The easiest way is to send it to - I am constantly monitoring that email (and the spam filter after the conference tourney snafu).    

2013 Tourney Suicide Pool

March Madness 2013 Suicide Pool

The game that separates the men/women from the boys/girls.  Last year the pot got up to $1,500 or so, and the winner, Blake Hooper, took home $890.

Wait wait wait, before you start into your convoluted rules, did you change anything?  I played this stupid game last year, so just give me the changes so I can get on with my day!

Fine you pushy jerk.  Only changes are:
 You can buy multiple entries now.  Buy early, buy often!
  There will not be a rebuy this year.  There was a surprising level of controversy surrounding the rebuy last year, and since this is ultimately about FUN and BRAGGING RIGHTS, we’re just going to eliminate all controversy that right now.
And with that, now to the rules proper…

 Choose one team each day that you think will win for that particular day.
·         If your team wins, congrats, you are alive for another day!  If not, you are out.  In addition, if you forget to pick that day, you are out.
·         Once you have a chosen a team, you cannot choose that team again for the rest of the contest.  If you use Kansas to beat Coppin St in round one, Kansas will not be an available option if they are still alive in the Elite 8.  If you ever get to a point where you cannot pick a team b/c you have used all the teams playing that day, then you are out.
·         The winner is the last person still alive.  In the event of a tie, the tie will be broken in the following manner…
1.       Highest combined total of all seeds selected
§  Ex: You and I get knocked out on Day 6.  Because I’m awesome, I had that 12 seed that won in round one.  My combined seed picking total is 28, and yours is 26.  I win.
2.       Highest individual seed selected, and then second highest individual seed, etc.
§  Ex. You and I get knocked out Day 6, but both of our combined seed totals are 28.  I had my 12 seed, but your highest seed you picked was a 10 seed.  I win again.  (This was the tie-breaker we had to get to last year, so make sure you UNDERSTAND THIS RULE.)
3.       Highest individual seed selected by round, and then second highest individual seed by round, etc.
§  Ex. You and I get knocked out Day 6, both of our combined seed totals are 28, and we have happened to have every seed we’ve chosen be the exact same.  However, you picked a 10 seed to win in round 1 (which they did), but I had my 10 seed to win in round 2 (which they did).  Once again you lose.  You’re really bad at this.  (If you don’t understand this rule, that’s fine.  Odds are it will not come in to play.)
4.       If this does not result in a tie being broken, the pot will be split evenly.

Entry Submission - The only rule I really have for entry submission is that it has to be in text form and accessible from my cellphone (I don't trust my memory from a call/reminder).  The easiest way is to send it to - I am constantly monitoring that email (and the spam filter after the conference tourney snafu).  

  Entry cost: $20
·         Multiple entries ARE allowed
·         There will NOT BE A REBUY THIS YEAR.  It was too much of a hassle last year.  If you planned on rebuying, just buy two entries instead.
·         Money must be in my grubby hands in some form before you make your pick.  The pool was big enough last year that I feel like I can big-time you all like this.
o   PayPal – Probably the easiest to track and you don’t have to track me down.  My paypal ID is  In addition, when paying on PayPal, CHOOSE THAT IT IS A PERSONAL PAYMENT!  Otherwise, PayPal will take a commission.  If you do not have a PayPal account, sign up now so it can check your bank account.  Again, this is the preferred method of payment.  Not only does it guarantee I get the money, it also GETS YOU PAID FASTER IF YOU WIN!!!
o   Find my and physically hand me cash or a check.  I literally have to have the payment in my hand.  Do not call me and say “I’ll get you Sunday.”  Not happening.  Unless that Sunday is the Sunday before the tournament starts.
All results will be available at
Payouts will be determined at the end based on number of entries.  Below are the projected payouts (assuming 100 entries).  We will not pay out beyond 5 spots.
1st: $1,200
2nd: $480
3rd: $195
4th: $75
5th: $50

2013 March Madness Fantasy Pick 'Em

March Madness 2013 Fantasy Pick ‘em

I think people enjoyed this, so we’re bringing it back.  Last year we got around $400 in the pool, with the winner being noted racing enthusiast and Wildcat fan Robby Boswell taking the pool.  Since most Cat fans are planning trips to Rob Morris, as the Cards ripped their house for a four day weekend, I expect him to be distracted.  That gives the rest of us a chance.

Ok, I don’t want to read your stupid rules if nothing changed.  Did anything change?

No, and don’t call my rules names.  Your rules are stupid.

·   Choose seven teams at the start of the tournament.  These teams will be your teams throughout the tournament. 
·         You cannot pick just any seven teams.  Your teams must fall into these seven tiers..
o   Any 1 seed
o   Any 2 seed
o   Any 3-4 seed
o   Any 5-6 seed
o   Any 7-10 seed
o   Any 11-12 seed
o   Any 13-16 seed
·         You may choose a second team from a lower tier to replace a team from a higher tier.  For example, you may pick two 2 seeds, but as a result, you cannot pick a 1 seed.  To extend the example further, you may pick two 5-6 seeds, but you then have to throw out either your 1 seed, your 2 seed, or your 3-4 seed.
·         Points are awarded based on wins…
o   First/Second Round – 1 point
o   Sweet 16/Elite 8 – 2 points
o   Final Four/Championship – 3 points
·         The winner is the person whose seven teams accumulate the most points.  In the event of a tie, the tie will be broken in the following manner: Top individual team total, then second highest team total, etc.
o   Ex: You and I score 35 points in the tournament.  My best team was NCAA champion Louisville, who amassed 10 points.  Your top team was NCAA championship loser Indiana, who amassed 7 points.  You lose, I win.
o   If this does not break the tie, pot will be split evenly between participants.

Entry Submission - The only rule I really have for entry submission is that it has to be in text form and accessible from my cellphone (I don't trust my memory from a call/reminder).  The easiest way is to send it to - I am constantly monitoring that email (and the spam filter after the conference tourney snafu).  

 Entry cost: $10
 Money must be in my grubby hands in some form before you make your pick.  The pool was big enough last year that I feel like I can big-time you all like this.
o   PayPal – Probably the easiest to track and you don’t have to track me down.  My paypal ID is  In addition, when paying on PayPal, CHOOSE THAT IT IS A PERSONAL PAYMENT!  Otherwise, PayPal will take a commission.  If you do not have a PayPal account, sign up now so it can check your bank account.  Again, this is the preferred method of payment.  Not only does it guarantee I get the money, it also GETS YOU PAID FASTER IF YOU WIN!!!
o   Find my and physically hand me cash or a check.  I literally have to have the payment in my hand.  Do not call me and say “I’ll get you Sunday.”  Not happening.  Unless that Sunday is the Sunday before the tournament starts.
All results will be available at
Payouts will be determined at the end based on number of entries.  Below are the projected payouts (assuming 100 entries).  We will not pay out beyond 5 spots.
1st: $600
2nd: $240
3rd: $100
4th: $36
5th: $24

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sunday Update

Well it looks like everything was ALMOST decided last night.  Heather Knauf continues her unprecedented march to taking down the entire pool, and she's already captured a nice little portion of it by locking up the referral pool with 29 points.  Congrats!

However, the big pool is still up in the air.  Mathematical super hero Bryan Hart-Man is the only one with a mathematical shot at getting to 31 points, and wins by Florida & Ohio St. (who are both probably favored btw) will get him there.  An Ohio St. & Ole Miss victory would certainly help tournament co-moderator David Crone, who would not only get a piece of second place, he'd actually look pretty smart on his website,, where he called Ole Miss a good value bet.  If Wisconsin wins today, two things happen: 1) Heather takes down the whole friggin pool, and 2) I feel like a dumbass for not switching my entry up, costing me co-runner up.  C'est la vie.

The A-10 & ACC tourney championships are also today, but they will have no bearing on the contest results.